Some of the best bloggers I know have stopped blogging. I am not really sure why. But it does puzzle me no end. Why drop out of something so wonderful? Something that is fulfilling, if to some extent also revealingly embarrassing? The blog is the communiqué of the future -- albeit the future revolution, the final penultimate one.

One would say, welcome to the world of transparency. I used to dream about 23 or more years ago about a fashion line made up of transparent bags, blouses, pants, even undergarments. That's how overly visual, perchance, voyeuristique? one can get. Suddenly there it all was, a line of transparent garments. Not perfect, as such, but positively to the tune of my real preferences and even favorites. Hmmm…

Blogging is transparency now fashion. You don't wear blouses, stuck with sequins or objects meant to understate your fashion message or message de mode, as it were.

But honestly there's a limit to what you would want to and will put on the blog, including the deliberate typing of rub out as rob out. Hell, nothing can beat that niña.

The problem is that ethics in blogging is not encouraged.


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