I ran across the article of Laura Schaefer featured in msn messenger today. (She must be a fellow German descendant. My ancestors are Germans and used to carry the surname, Brun after they settled in the Philippines and changed it to our present family name. The surname is also otherwise spelled by our relatives who went very far to Russia as Vroon, or in fiercely independent Bavaria as Braun. Here in Makati, I see a company Braun Chemicals. I never really had the least interest in finding out if we’re related. For all I know, their family name comes from Brawn, spelled in a different way, which is quite a different thing altogether, hehehe. Just joking. J)

Laura’s article interests me because she made my brain my largest sex organ! Whew! Read on guys!!!

The Male Brain, Explained
By Laura Schaefer

Remember his brain is his largest sex organ

In males of several species including humans, the preoptic area of the hypothalamus is greater in volume, in cross-sectional area and in the number of cells. In men, this area is more than two times larger than in women, and it contains twice as many cells. And what, say you, does this have to do with the horizontal mambo? Plenty. This area of the hypothalamus is in charge of mating behavior.

This small structure connects to the pituitary gland, which releases sex hormones. So if your bf wants to get intimate all the time and you feel like Ms. Low Desire, remember: You're just experiencing normal, brain-based differences.


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