This site is honored to publish a brief article from a cooperator in the quest for community-based peace, security and safety.
Guest article from security and safety experts of Rebus 21:
The goal of community-based peace, security and safety should be precluded by a more aggressive law enforcement system.
Force impetus should be able to interdict perpetrators of crime similar to the case of the brutal killing of Ms. Kristelle Davantes. Click here for a brief bio of Kristelle at linkedin.
This site fully sympathizes with and supports the family of the late Ms. Kristelle Davantes, together with friends and colleagues who put up the Justice for Kae campaign.
The closure of the case for the peace of mind of those who loved Kristelle, fondly called Kae by those close to her is called for.
This dovetails with the earlier assertion that law enforcement should be more aggressive, more responsive to society and the host community that law enforcers are bound to serve.
Ms. Davantes' victimology profile fairly relatively fits that of a particular group or groups that prey upon helpless owners of vehicles that the group desires to possess. In many cases, the perpetrators receive an order for a particular year make, model and possibly color of a motor vehicle. The criminal elements will themselves scout for such a vehicle and in a number of cases, will utilize their contacts as scouts for the type of vehicle in question.
Once the closest match is found, the criminals will undertake all means to obtain the vehicle by illegal means and as an unfortunate resort, as in the case of Ms. Kristelle Davantes, by use of excessive force. In this case, the excesses led to the demise of such a promising, young and vibrant person as Ms. Kristelle Davantes.
In special cases such as the modus operandi used in obtainig the vehicle of Ms. Kristelle Davantes, the criminals should have been heavily influenced by prohibited substances or were experiencing the withdrawal effects of said substances, where intense paranoia and fear visits upon the substance abuser and is likely to commit acts that he or she may eventually not even fully remember in the future.
The public sector will rue the scorn of the affected publics and reap exhorbitantly expensive endless negative consequences unless it will pay the steep price to capture or wipe out the elements perpetrating this kind of crime. Email:
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